
John 7:37-38, Ezekiel 47:1-10

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We are celebrating Pentecost on Sunday, and Pastor Dave Hearn from Kamloops Alliance Church joins us with a special message, "In Over Your Head (Filled with the Holy Spirit)." Dave will draw from Ezekiel 47:1-10 and John 7:37-38 to show us how God is calling us to be filled with the Christ exalting, sin defeating, life transforming, and boldness producing power of the Holy Spirit.

Dave Hearn has served as Assistant District Superintendent in charge of church vitality and then District Superintendent in the Canadian Pacific District.  In 2012 he was elected as the President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. He now serves as the Senior Associate Pastor at Kamloops Alliance church and is also a part time farmer with three cows, two horses and twenty-four chickens. The family has grown to include three sons-in-law and five grandkids. His fire for revival has never been stronger. His life and ministry are summarized in six words; Christ centered, Spirit Empowered, Mission focused.