Giving is a joyful act of obedience for believers and members of the church. It is not a requirement, nor do we expect it from visitors.


Ways to give:

Please see below for funds you may give to.

To give an offering while at church, please place it in an offering envelope found in the seat backs, and deposit it in the secured slot on the top (not the front pocket) of the boxes by the doors of the sanctuary. Be sure to fill out your name and address if you would like a tax receipt.

To give online, please click this link: .

You may send an e-transfer to and indicate the fund(s) in the message line.

You may also mail your offering to Tsawwassen Alliance Church, 4951 12th Avenue, Delta, BC V4M 2A5.

Our point-of-sale Square terminal is available for offering by arrangement with the church office.



Please idicate which fund(s) you wish to apply your offering to:

General Operating Fund maintains our operating, ministry, and maintenance expenses.

Family Care Fund helps to provide practical care to members of our church family who, for one reason or another, need a hand. Members of the community are also assisted through our partnership with the Community Fund of Faith.

Missions Fund (aka Missions-Split) supports the C&MA Global Advance Fund (75%), and other TAC-supported missions (Galcom International, Ratanak International, Gateway) as determined by the elders (25%)

Global Advance Fund supports all the C&MA International Workers (IW's), including our Seemless Link partners, and ensures our IW's are funded without needing to raise individual support.