What a joy it was to be united together across our city yesterday morning, opening the Word, joining in prayer, and lifting our voices in worship. We are grateful for the use of technology that allowed us to respond quickly to a changing situation.
In light of today’s announcement encouraging all Canadians to stay home, we will continue to move forward with our Sunday worship gatherings via live-stream to your home. (Please note that only essential ministry workers will be permitted on site for the time being.) At this time, tithes and offerings can only be made through our Church App or online at: https://subsplash.com/tsawwassenalliancechurch/give.
For the next three weeks there will be no mid-week gatherings of ministry groups. This includes Community Groups, Bible study groups, and student ministries. The church office will be closed with staff working from home.
Technology affords us all kinds of ways to connect and though we won’t be meeting in person, we encourage everyone to find ways to reach out to one another. This could look like a Community Group meeting via GoToMeeting or Zoom, or a few people video chatting through Messenger or FaceTime. It could be a simple phone call or text to check in and say hello. Together, we are still the body and we can use these tools to stay connected.
Please know that during this time, we are still here for each and every one of you. If you require assistance with anything, please let us know by emailing Pastor Paul. All our staff can be reached by email and would be happy to pray with you or answer any of your questions. Staff email addresses can be found here: https://www.tachurch.ca/staff
Over the coming weeks, we will continue to evaluate our plans and will adjust as needed. Though we look forward to the day when we can gather together in one place, we are encouraged by the response we had yesterday as we joined together from over 140 different locations to speak the gospel and worship our Saviour while showing great care and concern for one another.
To God be the glory!