The Pulpit Supply Team has now confirmed speakers until the end of October. The theme for the fall will be 'Sent by Jesus'. The Elders have started reviewing resume's for the interim pastor role. The initial draft of the Church/Community profile has received initial feedback and will be updated in conjunction with the results of the L.I.F.E event planned for 24 to 26 October. The L.I.F.E. event is an opportunity for the congregation to provide their thoughts and experience of TAC to the L.I.F.E. Team. This Team is from the C&MA Pacific District office and they will provide a report to the Elders after they analyze the information. There will be time slots available to sign up for interviews as we move into September. In order to keep our congregation appraised of progress during transition and to encourage us to keep on living on mission for Jesus' glory, our next Quarterly Transition Prayer Meeting is planned for the evening of Thursday, September 12th.
Refugee Update: The refugee applications for the Hindi family have been processed by Canadian authorities in Ottawa and have now been sent to the Canadian Embassy in Jordan for review. This is a positive step forward, however, this next phase can be lengthy so please pray their paperwork is reviewed quickly.