Day 2 of English camp has once again left our team in awe of the work God is doing in the lives of the children at Place of Rescue. Our morning began with an entrance down a street lined with children eager to spend another day with us, just as we were with them. The joy that these children bring to our group the minute we arrive at Rescue gives us the energy and encouragement to get the day off to a great start.
After some final preparations for the day ahead we joined in for a time of worship in Khmer and English. For some of us it's a new experience to worship in different languages together and it is a strong reminder that despite our different languages, cultures and location we all worship the same God. This is true of our bible story time as well. Today we focused on the theme was righteousness from the breastplate of righteousness in Ephesians 6 and shared the story of Ruth and Boaz to demonstrate this idea. Rhoda introduced the kids in the younger group to Barrie the Beaver who told the story and was a was a huge hit! We have been very encouraged by their enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Now that we've spent our second day at English camp we've seen more and more of the redeeming work that Christ is doing in Cambodia, specifically in the lives of these young people. I have much to learn from these children about the hope that they find in Jesus. We have heard of many stories of hardships and loss that bring them to Rescue, yet you don't see it in the way they interact with us and the other children. Everyone here has a unique story to tell and Jesus is shining brightly in each of them. During class time, for example, my group made headbands with the Armour of God listed on them today. A few students finished early and had some free time. When we turned around our white board was covered with "I love Jesus". It is encouraging to see and hear those words professed so frequently over such a short time.
We've discovered it doesn't matter if our plans for camp change from the original, or the "organized chaos" becomes "disorganized chaos" at times. Through all the worship time, teaching, crafts and games God is reminding us to hold lightly to our plans and expectations. We're also reminded of the simple joy of relationship with one another at the end of our days at Rescue. Before we get on the bus we have free time to spend with the kids. There are soccer and volleyball games and the youngest children from the houses come out to play. This time is filled with spontaneous fun and games which makes it difficult to leave.
Please pray for protection over Rescue and the work that is being done there by Marie Enns, the staff, house mom's and students. Also pray for rest and renewal for our team as we continue with English camp. Our days are full and we hope to carry the same energy we've had at the beginning of the week into the next three days.
Written by Lindsay Smid