My clothes are clinging to my sticky skin, and dust coats my shoes. Despite the early morning and the long, bumpy bus ride I could not be happier. I have tiny hands grabbing me and pulling me in ten different directions. "Cha! Cha!" (Teacher) they excitedly greet my teammates and myself. Each and every child is smiling, excited to begin another day learning English with us. We start the day together with worship. This is my favorite part of the day. The kids sing with such passion and zeal. All these kids have endured some form of tragedy resulting in their home at Rescue, yet they faithfully worship God and trust in his perfect plan for their lives. It's truly humbling to witness the faith these children have.
Moments like these have been frequent this past week at rescue, and tomorrow we will say goodbye to this very special place. It has been a great honor to serve Marie and these kids. The week has been so much fun for "Chas" and students alike, we are all sad to see it come to an end.
These kids have taught me far greater lessons than the adjective lesson I taught this afternoon. They have shared lessons of love, thankfulness, and humility with my team mates and myself. I am sad to see this amazing week come to an end tomorrow. These kids have a special place in my heart, but I will choose to treasure the time we shared together rather than grieve the time we will spend apart.
Please pray for continued health and strength for our team. Many of us are tired from early mornings and long days. Some of our team members have been sick, however The Lord has answered prayers and healed many.
Tomorrow will be hard for both us and the kids. Pray for a fantastic final day and strength for our last goodbyes.
Thank you for keeping our team in your thoughts and prayers!
written by Alyssa