Opening Question
How do you think most people answer the question “Who is Jesus?”
It’s the most important question we are confronted with in this life. “Who is Jesus?” Some would say a good man, others a wise moral teacher. Many believed Him to be a prophet, a spokesman for God. But His real identity was never left to speculation, Jesus was very clear. He is the Holy One of God, Christ the King, Son of the Living God.
We drift when are lives are shaped by an insufficient understanding or skewed view of Jesus. We lose our way when we see Jesus as one among many good things in life. In order to grow in authentic vibrant faith, we need to grow in a right understanding of who Jesus is.
What trait in Jesus do you most identify with? What do you struggle with?
What most significantly shapes your understanding of Jesus, the word, the world or your own wisdom?
If Jesus is who He says He is, what does that mean for your life?
Is there an area of your life that you struggle with Jesus as Lord?
What is one thing you will do this week to grow in understanding and relationship with Jesus?