What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?
Read Philippians 3:1-11
We are all legalists at heart, building our identity on our accomplishments (whether religious or otherwise). Paul considers all his religious credentials as utter rubbish and as loss rather than gain when it comes to salvation. What ultimately matters is knowing Christ and having a righteousness from God.
Discussion Questions
- What in your life kills your joy and what do you need to focus on or do in order to rejoice?
- It may not be circumcision or law-keeping, but where are we tempted to put confidence in ourselves for salvation? What credentials do we secretly boast in?
- What is the problem with putting confidence in our religious credentials? Why is that a dangerous game?
- Lots of people would say they know Christ, but wouldn’t speak like Paul does in v.8. What kind of knowing of Christ does Paul mean here? How can we know him like this?
- What stirs your affections for Jesus and what diminishes them?