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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?  

Read Acts 4:23-31
How would you react to persecution? The Apostles respond to this first round of persecution by resting in God’s sovereignty even over evil rulers and by praying for boldness to effectively speak of Jesus. Their prayer has much to teach us as we face unknown or intimidating situations.  

Discussion Questions

  1. When facing the evil unknown, the apostles focus their attention on God’s sovereignty. How would that help? How can we do the same?
  2. What is a tough situation that you personally face that you need to trust to God’s sovereignty?
  3. How should Psalm 2 inform the way that we understand the evil events of our day?
  4. What’s the difference between praying for a change of circumstances versus praying for a change of heart? Which should we pray more for?
  5. What do you think is the relationship between boldness in proclamation and personal experience of God (see v.31)?