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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read Ephesians 5:25-33

Marriage is a picture of the gospel. In marriage we put on display the sacrificial, faithful love of Christ for the church. Being designed differently, God gives unique instructions to husbands and wives. Husbands are called to love their wives in the way that Jesus loved the church. When people see a husband’s love for his wife they should get a picture of the sacrificial, always faithful, sanctifying and cherishing love of Jesus for his bride.


Discussion Questions

  1. Why do you think that Paul spends far more time on instructions for husbands than for wives?
  2. How does the faithfulness of Jesus to his church encourage husbands to be faithful to their wives? How can faithfulness best be communicated or demonstrated?
  3. In what ways can a husband be committed to the spiritual growth of his wife? What kind of things can he do?
  4. What is the logic of vv.28-29? What would it take for us to our oneness to this level? What kind of things would a husband do if he loved his wife as himself?
  5. How are you doing at loving others like Jesus? Who is God calling you to love and how?