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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?  

Read Acts 4:13-22
In what situations must we obey the government? In what situation must we disobey? This is the situation that Peter and John faced as all the rulers and powerbrokers of Jerusalem demanded they disobey Jesus and talk no more of him. In their response they teach us how to speak of Jesus when facing pressure to be silenced.  

Discussion Questions

  1. Despite no formal training, Peter and John were bold and had clearly been with Jesus.  Where is their source of boldness? Can we have the same boldness even in our inadequacy?
  2. What should v.13 teach us about faithful ministry and identifying leaders?
  3. While the rulers disagreed with Peter and John’s theology, they couldn’t deny the transformation of the lame man. What can personal testimony do that preaching can’t?
  4. When is it morally right to disobey rulers and those in authority and when is it wrong to do so? How do you determine? What are some situations that we might face?
  5. If not heavy-handed government oppression, what authorities and demands are made on faithful Christians in our country to have them not speak of Jesus?