What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?
Read Ezekiel 43:1-12 & 47:1-12
In one last final vision (Ezekiel 40-48), Ezekiel is shown a new temple and is told to describe it to the exiles so that they will be ashamed of their sin. There are many clues along the way that this big vision was not meant to be read literally, but instead as a symbolic vision of God’s perfect presence with his restored people (described in temple imagery). Revelation 21-22 adopts Ezekiel’s imagery and finds its fulfillment in the New Jerusalem at the end of all things.
Discussion Questions
Describe heaven in your own terms (or how people typically envision it).
Can heaven be good if God is not there? How is the New Creation entirely God-centred?
If the New Creation is good because it is entirely God-centred, how should that shape our worship? How should it shape our personal lives?
God’s glory is diminished by human sin. How does God restore his glory?
What is the biggest takeaway for you from our series in Ezekiel? How do you see God differently or more clearly?