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Sunday, January 26th


Do you have a favourite story about a runin with the law?


Read Romans 2:116

We both love and fear justice. We want a God of justice who will right all the wrongs of this broken world, but we don’t want God’s perfect justice to be focused on us. As we saw in Romans 1, there is no one who is excused from God’s judgment. All will be judged fairly and rightly for their life without partiality. This coming judgment is a call for us all to repentance and seeking of God’s grace instead of trusting in our own merit.


  1. What are the sins that religious people focus on (and why), and what are the sins that religious people embrace or ignore?
  2. Does God judge according to works? How does this fit with the gospel?
  3. How is it encouraging that God is a perfect judge who shows no partiality?
  4. What is the role of repentance in the life of a Christian? How do you practice it?
  5. V.16 says that “God judges the secrets of men.” How should this focus on the heart help us fight imagebased religion and lead to biblical spirituality?