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Sunday, January 19


What stood out to you from Sunday's message?


Read Romans 1:18-32

Paul seeks to show why it is that we all need the gift of God’s righteousness. In this section he shows that we have made a tragic exchange trading the glory of God for images, worshipping the creation rather than the Creator. This sinful failure to worship God has led to distorted thinking and unnatural behaviour. The way forward for the Christian then is to re-exchange, prioritizing a life of rightful worship and gratitude.


  1. How has God revealed himself in creation? What can we learn, and what are the limitations of this revelation?
  2. We usually think of sin as behaviour, but Paul points to the heart. What is his definition of sin? How does this definition change the way you think about sin?
  3. Idolatry is the blurring of the distinction between creation and Creator. Where do you see examples of this in our culture?
  4. If the essence of sin is ingratitude towards God, practically what can we do to cultivate a grateful and worshipful orientation?