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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?


Read Romans 2:17-29
As Paul is systematically showing that the gospel is for all people, he turns now to the devout Jew who would point to covenant markers like the Law and circumcision as proof he is safe from judgment. Paul shows him and us that religious privileges and signs do not save us. The danger of religion is that it focuses on the outward and ignores the inward. God is not after our behaviour and ritualism, but is looking to give us a new heart by the Holy Spirit.


  1. How does religious observance give a false confidence?
  2. What do we mean when we say that “religious people need the gospel”?
  3. What are the outward appearances of Christian faith, and how can they obscure what is in someone’s heart?
  4. Do you ever find yourself acting Christianly, while neglecting the heart? How can we fight this?
  5. In what cases are the signs (ie. baptism, communion, membership) of Christianity meaningful, and when are they meaningless? How do we promote meaningful signs?