What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?
Read Romans 14:1-15:7
We live in a culture that cherishes freedom and individualism, but the reality of the Christian life is that Jesus has made us into a family. In this family of God, the radical grace of the cross models the posture we need to have towards each other. The church ought to be a place where God is glorified through the deep unity of its people even across the usual division of class, economics, age, and ethnicity. The gospel creates a culture of welcome in a world of division.
Discussion Questions
1. What are some of the common divisions that can plague a church? What are some reasons you have heard for people leaving or dividing a church?
2. How does unity amidst diversity bring more glory to God? What does a unified church proclaim about God?
3. We are to welcome one another “as Christ has welcomed you” (v.7). Spend some time discussing how Christ has welcomed those far from him. What would it look like for us to do the same?
4. How does the welcome described here fit with the rejection we read about in Galatians 1:6-10?
5. Have you ever benefited from a relationship with someone very different than you? What did it teach you? What can we learn across generational and ethnic boundaries?
6. Practically, how can the gospel be shaping the way that you view the people in your life? Is there someone specific God is calling you to welcome or love in a new way?