Due to the current pandemic, our kids' classes are currently suspended until further notice. However, we value our kids, and want to continue to come alongside parents as you lead your children in their spiritual growth. Here is the plan for the fall. Our fantastic teachers are going to prepare the Sunday school lesson EVERY WEEK for all the families with children preschool to grade 6. (WOW - Thank you to all the teachers!)The lesson, craft/activity, and memory verse will be packaged up for you to pick up at the Church Monday to Thursday in a bin outside the office. If you plan to attend the service, then we will have the package ready for your children when they arrive. The Bible lesson video will continue to be posted on the TAC Kids Online page every week (find the password at the bottom of this page).If you are not sure if you are on the list, contact the office to make sure your package is prepared for you! We hope this is a blessing to your family and helpful to come alongside you as you teach your children the Bible. Watch for email for family activities once a month! Coming soon….TACKids2020