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This was the day that our team has been anticipating for approximately one year, and even now that it is compete, it still does not feel real. Preparing, brainstorming, commitment, and prayer are what caused this day to run as smoothly as it did. As we arrived, we were greeted by many smiling faces of children who were overflowing with excitement. After setting up our classrooms, we walked to where the children were having their chapel time, and from another building, you could hear them singing praises to The Lord. It was extremely evident to see the passion and desire that these kids have, to know and experience the love of Jesus even more in their lives. Being so far from home, it is sometimes hard to feel like you have anything in common with the people around you, but as I was listening to these children sing 10,000 Reasons, it was clear that what we all have in common is Jesus. God gave us the opportunity to come half way around the world and worship him with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. How incredible is that?

We soon separated into our classrooms of which there are 12 groups. Each child is assigned to a group depending on their English skills. Our teams then jumped quickly into the curriculum that we had planned. Our schedules quickly changed as we realized that even though you make plans, it is more than likely that you will not be sticking to your original template. I would say that a good way to describe camp so far is 'organized chaos'. We spent time teaching lessons, learning names (Cambodian names are more difficult than you think), and doing crafts. These kids are so filled with God's love that in everything they do, they are just overflowing with joy. They are quick learners and easily grasped the idea of the 'Armour of God' as our theme for this week. Spending our first day with these children has felt more of a blessing to us, than we are to them. 


We we would ask that you pray for both us and Stoney Plain, that we contiue to grow closer as one team and for strength and energy as we take on these next four days. We ask that you would pray for restful sleep and strong stomachs as we experience new cultures as well. We are thankful that we have a church family back home that is supporting us, and are also thankful that we have a loving God who does answer our prayers. We have had a wonderful first day of English camp and look forward to what God has in store for us the rest of the week. 


Written by Carli McMillan