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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?


Read Colossians 1.15-23

Our view of Jesus is too small. Like the church in Colossae, we are tempted to mix Jesus in with other spiritual views and practices, not believing that Jesus is enough. Paul writes to show that Jesus is supreme over all things, over all creation, over salvation and over you. Our response must be to live a life that puts Jesus first in all things.

Discussion Questions

  1. What are the implications of Jesus’ creation of and supremacy over all thrones and authorities and all things in heaven and on earth?

  2. Where are there temptations in our lives to merge Jesus with other views?

  3. Do you find yourself partitioning your life into boxes, giving Jesus only certain parts? What parts of your life are hardest to give over?

  4. Read v.23. What is the role of perseverance for a Christian? What does Paul say it looks like?