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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read 2 Corinthians 5.1-10

We are all dying. We don’t like to think about it, but we are. One of the ways that we can drift as Christians is in how we think about life and death. For many of us our thinking and feeling around death is shaped largely by the fears and values of our culture rather than by the great hope of the New Testament. Paul calls us to face death with courage because of our coming resurrection life.


Discussion Questions

  1. Paul talks about longing for resurrection life. In what ways do you find yourself frustrated with death and decay and longing for what is to come?

  2. The threat of death can be overwhelming, but Paul is giving reasons for us to not lose heart. What reasons do we have? Do these resonate with you?

  3. The Christian’s ultimate hope is not a spiritual heaven, but is bodily resurrection on a renewed earth. What is the difference? What hope does this give us now?

  4. How should the resurrection inspire or change the way we live right now?